4K for Cancer Potluck


At the May CMCA meeting Keith Johanson indicated several local Tillamook churches would be supporting the efforts of 24 college students to raise money for cancer research and asked whether the Cape Meares community residents would like to join in the fund-raising event by providing a potluck lunch for the riders plus another 10 support staff when they arrive in Cape Meares at approximately 10 AM on August 6.   The response from those who were attending the meeting was most positive.

This year marks the 13th year of cycling across the country to fight cancer.  The 4K for Cancer ride began in Baltimore and is scheduled to end in Portland after a stop in Cape Meares to permit riders to “dip their front tires” into the Pacific Ocean on our beach.  For more information regarding the 4,400 mile ride across the country go to http://4kforcancer.org.

Would you be willing to provide a dish that would serve 8-10 guests?  This dish might be a casserole, vegetable, salad or dessert.

Some of the riders have dietary restrictions.  There are three who are vegetarians, three who are vegans and one who is not able to eat dark meat, fish, or eggs.  Because of these restrictions, if you contribute food for this event please include a card that lists the ingredients for what you supply.

As a side note.  One of the riders was tragically killed in Kentucky on this bike trek across the country.  At the time she was changing a flat tire on her bike.  A pick-up came speeding by and hit the 23 year-old rider and a friend who had stopped to help her fix the flat.  The friend was seriously hurt but survived.

This event is one way that our organization can support the fight against cancer.  It is likely that we all know of someone who suffers from this disease or you may yourself have fought this illness.

A reminder of this event will be sent about a week before the riders are scheduled to visit our community. Contact Charles J. Ansorge <cansorge@me.com> or Keith Johanson <reigning@charter.net> if you have questions.