Watershed Conservancy

Cape Meares Watershed Conservancy Project created to preserve the Cape Meares Forest and Coleman Creek Watershed through forest land acquisition.

The Little Community That Could, Did It!

After more than two and a half years of hard work and negotiations we are pleased to report the transfer of both our community forest and the adjacent property negotiated to purchase to The Conservation Fund, our bridge buyer. The Cape Meares Wildlife Refuge (USFWS) has asked TCF to hold the property for up to two years as they work to receive approval for a boundary expansion and to confirm funding for the purchase. Pending the purchase by the Refuge the community will continue to have access to the property.

The Wildlife Refuge has been making good progress towards receiving the required approvals for the boundary expansion (adding more than 200 acres to the existing 137 acres) and we can expect a public hearing this fall for public input into the expansion. We will alert you when the hearing is scheduled as we will certainly want to have a good showing.

Protecting our watershed in perpetuity is a major achievement for this small community and involved complex negotiations, fundraising, appraisals, working with environmental groups and governmental agencies, and more. Many people supported this effort with time and funds. We truly are “the little community that could”.

We initiated a project that will be a legacy for the community and future generations. Our watershed will have additional protections and a permanent old growth forest will surround our community.

Cape Meares Watershed Conservancy Project Team
Beverly Stein
Simone Goldfeder
Miriam Fultz

“Fern Gully” – Painting of Coleman Creek
Courtesy of Anisa Asakawa

Latest Watershed Conservancy News

News about Cape Meares, Oregon and the CMCA community association.