Aging in Place & Preparing for End of Life

The CMCA has adopted the topics of Aging in Place and Preparing for End of life to normalize these issues and increase awareness and knowledge within our community.

The median age of full-time residents in Cape Meares is 75 and the issues of Aging in Place and Preparing for End of Life are relevant to both our community and the elderly 25% of residents in Tillamook County. There is little community discussion and knowledge of options on these issues. We as a community rely on each other as part of our ethics and the specific nature of our community’s isolation.


  • Support for aging in place primarily through education and awareness
  • Offer tools for preparing for aging in place and preparing for end of life

Possible Activities/Projects

  • Work closely with North Coast End of Life Collective*
  • Assess what community members are most interested in for instance:
  • Workshop to prepare Advanced Directives with latest information about dementia directives, directives to cease eating and drinking, terminal agitation, use of videos to confirm decisions, etc.
  • Burial alternatives such as green burials
  • Hospice, palliative care, death with dignity and death doulas
  • Preparation for emergencies considering current health status
  • How to be an effective patient advocate
  • Meaning making and legacy projects
  • Community handyman, mobile personal care services
  • Death cafes

Adopted by CMCA Board September 9, 2024

  • CMCA Board designated this as a CMCA project
  • Approved presentation and discussion facilitated by Margo Lalich, North Coast End of Life Collective* on October 26 as community meeting topic including assessing topics of interest
  • Allocated $200 for the project
    *The North Coast EOL Collective’s vision is A Collective Approach to Death and Dying. Our mission is to Create Community by Connecting People, Resources, and Experiences to Educate and Support a Holistic Approach to End-of-Life for Individuals and Families Living on the North Coast. We are committed to creating a culture of openness and acceptance, challenging taboos and fears through conversation, education, questioning, and listening well. We know conversations,
    connection, and learning about death and dying can improve the quality of one’s life and create a sense of community around a profound experience we all share. Our practice is based on the belief that the North Coast EOL Collective has a collective responsibility to the community by making visible what is too often invisible.
    While we offer information on diverse topics, we do not advocate for one choice over another. Our commitment is to empower individuals and our community with the knowledge about available options, offering greater agency over one’s end-of-life choices.

Books and Movies

  • Advice for Future Corpses (and those who love them) by Sallie Tisdale
  • In Love, a Memoir of Love and Loss by Amy Bloom
  • Finish Strong: Putting Your Priorities First at Life’s End by Barbara Coombs Lee
  • The Day I Die: the untold story of assisted dying in America by Anita Hannig
  • Movie on Netflix:  His Three Daughters

For additional resources visit North Coast EOL Collective Library

Latest Aging in Place News

News about Cape Meares, Oregon and the CMCA community association.