Cape Meares Lake Study

Protect Oregon’s Waterways

October 18, 2024 – Update on ODFW outreach education following August 2024 chemical treatment to control Eurasian Watermilfoil in Cape Meares Lake. ODFW will be posting the sign above at Cape Meares boat launch in the near future. They are also making the sign available to the City of Rockaway for posting at Lake Lytle and sent a request to Tillamook Estuaries Partnership to assist in getting the word out.

October 14, 2024 – The CMCA Lake Study Project was approved by the CMCA Board of Directors, and the Lake Study Committee will move forward with the project activities.

Cape Meares Community Seeks to Study the Impact of Human and Natural Factors on the Health of Cape Meares Lake and Wetlands

The Cape Meares Watershed includes Coleman Creek, Cape Meares Lake and the surrounding wetlands. For many who live in and visit Tillamook County, Oregon, the Lake is a special place. It provides food and shelter for life in the natural world AND supports various human activities like kayaking, boating, swimming, hiking, birding, angling, hunting, fishing, painting, photography, and scientific research.
As they enjoy this area, some Cape Meares residents see changes that lead to questions like:
● What types of wildlife species, both resident and seasonal, live in the Lake and wetlands?
● Which riparian and aquatic plants can be found in the Lake across the seasons?
● What are the qualities of the water in the Lake (e.g., salinity, temperature, depth) and how are they affecting life in and around the Lake?
● How is human activity affecting the health of the Lake (or not)?
● Is the Lake transitioning to a wetland (or not)?
● How is the Lake functioning within the Watershed?
● Which groups and individuals have a vested interest in the Lake (” stakeholders”) and what are their perspectives on the current and future utilization of this resource?

We plan to pursue our Vision and Mission in phases. Phase One focuses on describing how the Lake functions and understanding the perspectives of stakeholders. Depending on what we learn from Phase One, there could be a Phase Two about which we can only speculate in 2024.

There is an old deer trail that leads up to the brush in the dunes. It’s a unique view of the lake looking from the North toward south. Cape Meares Lake Ciel Downing
October 2024 Update

Lake Photos Before and After Herbicide Treatment by Wendy Burroughs

August 2024 Update

August 5, 2024, CMCA was notified by Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife that the herbicide treatment would be conducted throughout the entire lake on August 7, 2024.

Background on the ODFW response to invasive Eurasian watermilfoil

Oregon Fish and Wildlife Assistant District Fish Biologist Michael Sinnott presented, at the May 2023 CMCA meeting, the ODFW plan to apply chemical treatments to reduce or eradicate invasive Eurasian watermilfoil in Cape Meares Lake. OFW Presentation Cape Meares Lake Weed Treatment May 2023 – OFW Cape Meares Biobase Bath MapInvasive Chemical Treatment Information

On July 13, 2023, OFW Assistant District Fish Biologist Mike Sinnott and the contractor were prepared to treat Cape Meares Lake and were surprised to find “the Eurasian watermilfoil seems to be all but absent. There were very few milfoil plants present in the lake. We are not sure what the cause is, most likely is that it is just behind in its growth cycle this year possibly due to cold water temperatures in the early spring. The contractor noticed that the lily pads are just starting to grow as well. It is very strange being as the lake has been infested with this plant for the past 4 years (including in March 2023 when we had the survey done) that it is now suddenly absent; neither OFW nor the contractor has seen anything like this before.” OFW postponed the treatment, as there were not enough milfoil plants to make it effective at this time. OFW will be monitoring the lake closely and if the milfoil comes back (or grows) OFW will treat quickly. Just to be clear, there has been NO treatment of the Cape Meares Lake this far by ODFW or Aquatechnex, LLC.

March 2024 Update

Simone Goldfeder and Miriam Fultz have been researching the history of Cape Meares Lake, Bayocean Spit, and Tillamook Bay. They presented the preliminary results of their research at the February CMCA meeting and at the lake team meeting in March 2024. They plan to make the PowerPoint available online in the near future. Pete Steen reported addition historical background and current research on Bayocean spit.

Reports & Resources

Waste, Water, Watershed – September 2024 by Simone Goldfeder

Cape Meares Watershed, Land, and Lake: Past – Present – Future February 2024 by Simone Goldfeder and Miriam Fultz

History of Cape Meares Lake by John Harland

December 2023 – January 2024 Lake Team Activities

Members of the Lake team met in December and January. John Harland and Wendy Burroughs met with Manual Padilla with Oregon Solutions and Tillamook County Commissioner Mary Faith Bell. It was agreed that the CM Lake Team would get back to Commissioner Bell with an outline for the proposed Cape Meares Lake Stakeholder meeting or Community Conversation about Cape Meares Lake.

Update November 2023

The Lake Management Team led by John Harland is working with Oregon Solutions to interview potential stakeholders for this project. The Team has proposed using these questions to interview potential stakeholders.

What are your responsibilities for and interests in Cape Meares Lake? Would you be willing to participate in developing a Lake Management Plan?

What do you see as the main uses and benefits of a healthy Cape Meares Lake? What are your concerns about lake health. How will the lake change in the next 20 years?

What are the indicators of Cape Meares Lake health that you use or would like to use? Do you collect this data? If so, will you share?

Cape Meares Lake Photo Gallery

News about Cape Meares, Oregon and the CMCA community association.