Community Projects

The Cape Meares Community Association is committed to promoting ecologically sound stewardship of the community’s natural resources including acquiring property or interests in property by gift, purchase or otherwise, including conservation easements, and managing such property to conserve and protect it in perpetuity in accordance with the conservation values of stewardship and preservation of the Cape Meares community and its surrounding natural areas.

CMCA has participated in several successful projects and will continue it’s commitment to stewardship.

Community Planning

In the summer of 2023, CMCA hosted a series of Community Planning workshops with the support of Tillamook Coast Visitors Association. Over forty people participated to develop a basis for making significant improvements to our community. Learn More >>

Cape Meares Lake & Wetlands Planning

Cape Meares Lake is adjacent to the community and this project engages stakeholders in the development of a Cape Meares Lake-Wetland Management Plan was proposed during the 2023 Cape Meares Community Planning Workshops based on the vision for this project identified in our 2023 Community Plan. Learn More >>

Watershed Conservancy

Cape Meares Watershed Conservancy Project created to preserve the Cape Meares Forest and Coleman Creek Watershed through forest land acquisition. Learn More >>

Conservation Lands

Currently the Cape Meares Community Association owns and manages the Cape Meares Beachfront Wetland Habitat. Learn More >>