Short Term Rental & FEMA Biological Opinion * Discussion with Sarah Absher, Director of Tillamook County Community Development
Tillamook County and many other counties/cities across the state are now being required to update local floodplain development regulations resulting from a lawsuit filed in Oregon against FEMA for violation of the Endangered Species Act. Development code changes for development within FEMA mapped Areas of Special Flood Hazard will impact areas of Cape Meares located within these special flood hazard zones.
On September 14, 10 – noon there will be two educational presentations. Please come!
The first will be about protection from wildfires including representatives of Tillamook Fire and the State Fire Marshall’s Office. Thanks to Dave Audet for organizing.
The second will be about Septic Systems and Our Watershed by Simone Goldfeder.
On September 13, 2024 Miriam Fultz and Charles Ansorge attended the Tillamook County Emergency Preparedness Summit held at Tillamook Bay Community College at which time the new name and logo for our group that focuses on emergency preparedness was unveiled. Our group of “preppers” is now known as Cape Meares Emergency Volunteer Corps (CMEVC). Miriam shared information regarding a history of the work that our group has completed since 2010.
On August 12 the Cape Meares Emergency Prep group hosted a Mass Casualty Shelter Drill for the community. Residents were asked to actively engage in the drill in order to gain experience on what might be expected following an earthquake and tsunami that forced them to flee to a safe assembly area above the inundation zone. More than 30 residents participated and self-selected to be a member of a task group that then tested a series of instructions created by the Emergency Prep group.
Following a significant earthquake and tsunami it is unlikely that those who are able to reach safety will be clear-minded regarding what they should do next. We do the planning now for various scenarios without having to deal with the serious stress associated with being a survivor. A major earthquake will not be just one event. During the first 24-48-72 hours post event there might be hundreds of aftershocks with some of them approaching or even exceeding the initial quake. There won’t be just one tsunami. Instead there will be multiple waves that come ashore and continue to inflict serious damage to property in the inundation zone area.
The severity of any event will determine how quickly it might be possible for the ground to stop shaking and the waves to cease coming ashore and for residents to start returning to their properties to assess damage. It is unlikely everyone who reached safety at an assembly area will quickly return to their homes. Tasks for the survivors will be required. Food needs to be prepared; there’s a shelter to erect; sanitation preparation needs attention; a plan for water procurement must be put in motion; and medical attention may be required for some survivors. The shelter drill was very successful. Much was learned from the drill. Many of those residents who participated urged the scheduling of future drills in order for our community to build resilience so the day when the “Big One” arrives we will be prepared, survive, and live to see another day.
The Guide, paid for by Tillamook Coast Visitors Association, explains beach-related and neighborhood regulations and their rationales and provides important contact information. CMCA has distributed the Guide to vacation rental managers and other STR owners. Copies are available at the community center, in the Drop Bottle box and is posted at Thanks to Stacey Mason who led this project.
This week the Cape Meares Watershed Conservancy Project was featured on the front page of the Headlight Herald. Thanks to the team that drove this initiative!
In early July our land acquisition deals will close. The Conservation Fund, serving as our bridge buyer, will hold both our community property and the Grimm’s property pending an anticipated sale to the US Fish and Wildlife Service to expand the Cape Meares Wildlife Refuge.
The USFWS has asked The Conservation Fund to hold the property for two years as they go through their process to get authority to expand their boundaries and secure funding to make the purchase. There will be a public hearing, probably in early fall, for community input regarding the boundary expansion. I know we will have a large turnout of supporters!
In the unlikely case the USFWS does not purchase the property by July 1, 2026, TCF will offer to sell the properties to CMCA at the appraised value.
The agreement between The Conservation Fund and CMCA allows us to continue to use the existing trails on both properties.
March 2024 – Conservancy Project News
We are getting very close to finalizing the sale of the Grimm’s property and our community forest to The Conservation Fund, our bridge funder. The Wildlife Refuge has asked TCF to hold the property for two years at which time we expect/hope the USFWS will purchase the properties to expand the Refuge.
The Situation
TCF will purchase the Grimm’s property for $395,000. CMCA is committed to paying the Grimm’s $325,000 by June 30.
The funds to pay $325,000 will come from:
Fundraising from community and supporters
$100,000 secured from a generous donor
$20,000 earnest money previously raised
Sale of our community forest to The Conservation Fund at appraised value minus fees for TCF
The expected appraised value of our community property ranges from $100,000 – $175,000. The appraisal will not be completed until May.
Fees due to TCF will be deducted from the appraised value of our community forest before payment to CMCA. Fees will depend on the appraised value of the community property and will range from $50,000 – $80,000.
TCF may be able to contribute a substantial amount towards their fees but we will not know until early May.
Fundraising Strategy
Raise $75,000 by May 30.
Seek pledges for additional $50,000 to be paid to CMCA in May if additional funds are needed to complete our transactions.
Please consider making a contribution. Send a check made out to CMCA/WCP to 5690 4th St. NW, Tillamook, OR 97141 or go to to contribute on-line.
Special Progress Report June 2023 Watershed Conservancy Project Final Sales Agreement Signed!
On June 16, 2023, the Cape Meares Community Association (CMCA) signed a final sales agreement with the Grimm family (hereinafter the “Seller”) to purchase 107 acres of forest land adjacent to our community by May 30, 2024. This sets in motion the protection of our watershed from logging and secures habitat preservation in perpetuity. The Conservation Fund (TCF) will serve as a bridge buyer. The ultimate goal is to sell both the 107 acres and our 106 acre community forest to the US Fish and Wildlife Service (hereinafter the “Refuge) to expand the Cape Meares Wildlife Refuge boundary. Summary of Terms of the Sales Agreement
TCF as a bridge buyer will be assigned CMCA’s rights to purchase the 107-acre forest parcel for the appraised value of $395,000. TCF is a 40-year-old national conservation organization that has been in the business of securing property for conservation purposes for nearly 40 years. They have invested billions of dollars and acquired over 9 million acres of such properties primarily as a bridge buyer.
The Seller will retain the 16 residential lots at the end of 9th Street that they currently own (but had originally wanted us to buy) and a ten acre parcel of the forest property adjacent to these lots that they can sell as a homesite pending a property line adjustment approved by Tillamook County.
TCF will also purchase our community forest (106 acres donated to CMCA in 2007 by Stimson Lumber) at its appraised value (not done yet) which will give us the funds to pay the Seller an additional $325,000 in exchange for a restrictive covenant not to remove trees or shrubbery on seven of the ten acres the Seller will retain and a prohibition of mass clear cutting on the residential lots that they retain. This payment also secures the deal as the original price the Seller sought was far more than the appraised value of the property.
We understand that by paying $325,000 we are paying a premium but we have negotiated hard and offered creative solutions for over a year to reduce the price from $2.2M to a total of $720,000 ($395,000 plus $325,000). This payment assures the protection of our watershed, prevents logging, and continues to provide a beautiful place to wander. If the Cape Meares Wildlife Refuge ultimately purchases the properties we will be surrounded by a federal wildlife refuge and old growth forest. This payment also extends the closing date until May 30, 2024 and prohibits logging and use of chemicals on the land before closing. Next Steps
CMCA will apply to Tillamook County for a property line adjustment to create the ten-acre parcel and secure approval for a single family “template” dwelling on the ten acres. The county has signaled that approval is very likely, but the review process can take up to a year. We will pay for a survey and county permit fees (although we are seeking a waiver of the fees from the county). We will pay for these expenses with money we have already raised.
We will negotiate an agreement between CMCA and TCF regarding sale of the CMCA community forest to TCF. CMCA will pay a fee to the TCF for holding the land and handling the transaction.
TCF, coordinating with the Refuge, will contract for an appraisal of the CMCA community forest and we will continue to work with the Refuge to support their process for purchase of the Seller’s property and our community forest from TCF.
If it appears likely at some point that the sale to the Refuge will not go through, we are developing a Plan B. However, all indications are that there is strong interest in this purchase primarily because the properties maybe potential restoration sites for the endangered Marbled Murrelet according to the American Bird Conservancy (report pending).
If the Refuge moves forward to purchase the properties, they will negotiate an agreement with us regarding community access and uses. Although the Refuge has the final say, they will work with the community to reach an agreement taking into consideration historical uses. The Back Story
In October 2021 a community member noticed unusual amounts of mud in a local stream. Investigation found that logging had started on property owned by the Seller. Concerns were raised about the impact on Coleman Creek, the community’s water source, and on the community. Wendy Burroughs, the President of CMCA at that time, took action and contacted the state and county and the property owners. Logging was halted and Wendy led negotiations to purchase the property from the Seller. On September 9, 2022 an initial agreement was signed between CMCA and the Seller to purchase the property for $2.2M (minus a charitable contribution of $380,000) with a due diligence deadline of March 2023 (since extended several times until June 2023). A Project Team was created including Simone Goldfeder, Miriam Fultz, and the new CMCA President Beverly Stein. A Working Group of community volunteers was chartered by the CMCA Board and the Project Team started issuing twice monthly Progress Reports to ultimately over 100 donors, volunteers and interested parties and partners. Project Team and Community Volunteers Gear Up
In December 2022 the Project Team entered into a Memorandum of Understanding with the North Coast Land Conservancy to advise the project. The Project Team started research on grant possibilities, possible partnerships and engaged consultants to do land value appraisals (one for the forest property and one for the residential lots), a wildlife habitat assessment, a mineral assessment, and an environmental assessment as part of CMCA’s due diligence. Outreach: The Project Team contacted many organizations for advice, to identify potential funding opportunities and possible partnerships. Among those organizations contacted were Coalition of Oregon Land Trusts, Oceanside Water District, Oregon State Parks, Nature Conservancy, Tillamook Estuaries Project, Wetland Conservancy, EcoTrust, Pacific Forest Trust, Trust for Public Lands, NW Land Conservation Trust, Oregon Shores Conservation Coalition, Oregon Community Foundation, US Fish and Wildlife Service, Sustainable NW, Oregon Coast Trail, American Bird Conservancy, and the Department of Land Conservation Development. Narayan Lincoln and other community members guided representatives of these organizations to show them the properties and a number of community members used the i-naturalist app to record sightings of birds and other wildlife.
Grantmaking: The Project Team researched numerous regional, state, and federal grant opportunities that would support land acquisition, watershed restoration and preservation, community forests, and water source protections. Due to our focus on land acquisition, two promising candidates emerged: the Land Acquisition Grant Program (Oregon Watershed Enhancement Board [OWEB]) and USDA Community Forest Grant Program. However, given the ultimate goal (expansion of the Cape Meares Wildlife Refuge through purchase of the properties), we did not pursue these opportunities as purchase of the Seller’s property using either grant would have precluded purchase by the Refuge. Pre-purchase Fundraising: The community initially raised $25,000 for an earnest money payment but additional funds were needed for appraisals, assessments and attorney fees, and for project operations. By May 2023, we raised $100,000 from nearly 50 individuals to cover these costs. Approximately half has been spent and the remainder will be used for the costs of surveys, county application fees, recording and escrow fees and attorney fees. Any remainder will go towards the purchase price. In March 2023 Yellow Book (highest standard) appraisals were completed for the forest property and the residential lots. The total value of both was approximately $500,000. Research revealed that no foundation, local, state or federal government agency or conservation organization, including TCF and the Refuge, would pay more than the Yellow Book appraised value for the properties. On March 4, 2023 the Project Team presented a report to the community regarding the status of the project including the results of the appraisals and the results of the Habitat Assessment. (This assessment and a summary of the March 4 presentation is available on the CMCA website at Negotiations to Revise Sales Agreement On February 13, 2023 the CMCA Board authorized Beverly Stein, Simone Goldfeder, Miriam Fultz, Terry Wit and Scott Gordon to serve as a negotiating team to work with our attorney Michael Kittell and TCF representative John Wros to negotiate revisions to the sales agreement. After considering a number of options after the results of the appraisals were known, the team proposed that the Seller keep the residential lots and 5 acres of the forest property which they could sell as a homesite. CMCA would do the work to secure county approvals for a property line adjustment and template dwelling. Although originally the Seller was insistent that we buy the residential lots and all of the forest property, the Seller responded positively to this approach and agreed to the proposal with a 10-acre homesite. This reduced the appraised value to $395,000. Further negotiations resulted in a restrictive covenant regarding logging on the residential lots and the 10 acres and agreement to extend the closing date until May 2024. Status of the Expansion of the Cape Meares Wildlife Refuge
Our goal is for the USFWS to buy both properties from TCF. This is not a done deal but we have had encouraging communications from the Refuge leaders. The local USFWS team has unanimously agreed this purchase is a priority and they are preparing an Initial Ascertainment Report that focuses on alignment with the Refuge’s Strategic Growth Policy emphasizing the potential habitat for the Marbled Murrelet. A representative of the American Bird Conservancy has toured the properties and believes there is potential for recovery of the habitat for the Murrelet which historically nested there.
For the Refuge to buy the properties they must go through a process to expand the boundaries of the current Refuge, seek priority status from regional leaders and ultimately from federal leaders. This process will take between two and four years depending on a variety of factors. TCF has experience working on land acquisitions with wildlife refuges and has already provided valuable assistance in accelerating the process with the Refuge. After the Initial Ascertainment Report is completed the Regional Planning Team will develop a Land Protection Strategy followed by a Land Protection Plan, Conceptual Management Plan and an Environmental Assessment. At that point the Regional Realty team can start the acquisition process. The Cape Meares National Wildlife Refuge was created in 1938 as a refuge for seabirds and other marine and coastal wildlife. The long-term vision of the Refuge for these properties is to have an old growth forest that provides suitable nesting habitat for endangered Marbled Murrelet. The refuge is 138 acres. Adding our properties will more than double the current size. Thanks and Appreciations
This report was prepared by Beverly Stein, CMCA President with assistance from Project Team Co-leaders Miriam Fultz and Simone Goldfeder. This volunteer Project Team did extensive research regarding grants, land use issues and partnerships, oversaw meeting the due diligence requirements with appraisals and assessments, and regularly communicated on progress with the community, donors and other interested parties. We want to thank the negotiating team appointed by the CMCA Board. In addition to the Project Team members, the team included Scott Gordon and Terry Wit. Our lawyer, Michael Kittell, provided excellent advice and legal services to the project. We appreciate the support we received from the Northwest Coalition of Land Trusts. In the initial phases of this project their advice and knowledge guided us to grant opportunities and potential partners. The Conservation Fund’s decision to become a bridge funder for the project was an essential element of our success. We thank John Wros for his advice and advocacy for the project.
Initially this project seemed to be a fantasy but people in the community stepped up to launch the project recognizing how important this preservation effort was for the community. The project would not have happened without the enthusiasm and commitment of Wendy Burroughs. She was joined by many others who volunteered or contributed funds for the earnest money payment. Without their faith in this project at the early stages we would not be where we are now. The CMCA Board was supportive throughout the process and contributed essential early funding to the project. The CMCA Board authorized a group of community volunteers to serve as the Working Group for the project. We drew on their expertise and commitment throughout the project. Over 50 individuals, primarily connected to Cape Meares, donated to this project with contributions ranging from $50 to $25,000. Without this investment this project could not have happened. This project was entirely volunteer driven, and volunteers contributed hundreds of hours. We thank everyone who helped. For questions or additional information contact Bev Stein at [email protected]