Tillamook People’s Utility District Grant

Resilience is about how well we’re able to cope, adapt or “bounce back” when we experience hardship or trauma.

For more than a decade Cape Meares residents have been building resilience. Personal contributions and successful grant-seeking activities have enabled us to build and stock three emergency storage facilities. This spring a grant seeking team led by Miriam Fultz applied for several grants with success for one and awaiting results for two others. Funds from a successful Tillamook County Public Utilities (TPUD) Grant were used to acquire critical items that will strengthen our community resilience.

The major natural disaster we most fear is an earthquake, one serious enough to trigger a tsunami to cause at least 70% of the residents having to flee their homes. Because of multiple after-shocks following a major earthquake, remaining at a safe location may be necessary for approximately 72 hours before venturing back to our homes to assess damage and to access supplies.

Our successful TPUD grant 2024 focused on the shelter component. The two assembly points where shelters are planned are at 3rd St. and 8th St. At each location there will be a 12’ x 16’ tent that includes a cooking and heating stove.