2016 Fundraiser


Thank you for helping make the 2016 fundraising effort for the Cape Meares Community Association (CMCA) a success.

Once again residents and friends of the community have generously volunteered their time and contributed their dollars to sustain the Community Association for another year.

The fundraising effort began on December 1, 2015 and officially ended on January 31, 2016. During that period of time $6,024 was donated. This included $112 from Thrivent Dollars and $460 from PayPal.

In addition, residents offered various items, including art works, plants, homemade crafts, and furniture, for the silent auction on New Year’s Eve; included was also a cheese box donation from the Tillamook Creamery. These items raised $772, included in the total contributions for the year noted above.

Seven families contributed using the PayPal option, 14 families donated items to the silent auction, and 50 families donated by checks to CMCA thus far.

If you have not yet contributed to CMCA you may do so at any time. CMCA is a 501(c)(3) non-profit association, Your contributions may be tax-deductible. Information is found on our website (capemears.org) regarding ways you may make your contribution.

The CMCA Board is looking forward to serving you in 2016 and hope to see you at one of the many events sponsored by us.

Thanks to CMCA treasurer, Anita Johanson, for supplying information regarding our annual fundraiser.