Breaking News


The Cape Meares Community Association Board is pleased to announce news from IRS.

The Cape Meares Community Association is officially recognized as a Non-Profit Organization with a 501(c)(3) standing.   This designation provides those who donate monetary gifts, legacies, land and equipment to CMCA with the opportunity to deduct the value from their income tax*.  It allows CMCA to apply for grants,  and provides a way to function within the law, and enables the organization to meet its obligations to the county, to qualify for insurance, and to seek assistance in a broader variety of ways, should the need arise.

A “shout out” goes to Deborah Neal, Chris Spence, Pete Steen, and Edie Toner for the important work they did in recent months to prepare the application.  Thank you.   An important part of the application process for 501(c)(3) status was the changing of the CMCA Bylaws and the creation of an Executive Board for the Association.  The Board is grateful to the residents whose diligence and reasoned comments helped significantly to upgrade and incorporate the revised ByLaws.

Now that we are functioning with an appropriate foundation, we expect to put our energy into keeping Cape Meares pretty much the way it is; casual, friendly, cooperative with its neighbors, and low key.

The Board is committed to managing what needs to be taken care of, and to listening to the community so we know what that is.  While there are members of the Board whose energy sometimes exceeds the basic needs of the average citizen, we try to keep those people busy.

Communication seems to dictate what goes well and what does not.  We know everyone is willing to contribute something from time to time whether it be time, money, labor, brownies, or opinions.  If you like, even moderately, the traditions and the new ideas presented over the past year, we’d love to hear from you.  We thrive on happy messages.  We’d rather hear complaints, if they exist, first hand.

Constructive criticism is an opportunity to make life better for everyone.  We need your help, your participation, your donations of food, operating funds, ideas, and friendly support to shape the CMCA the way that makes you feel most comfortable.  Whether you jump in and paddle or just want to be left alone to read your book, we respect your inclination either way. Just let us know what works for you.

We are happy to entertain you or leave you alone, and either way, we plan to look out for your well being.  That just got a whole lot easier, so next time any of you feel like celebrating, toast 501(c)(3) and relax.

* If you wish to receive further information covering the IRS requirements for charitable tax deductions please contact  Charles Ansorge <>.  In due time these regulations will be posted on the website.