Proposed Bayocean Spit Resort


Date, time and location are known for the Public Comment meeting of the Tillamook County Planning Commission.  Everyone who has an interest in the proposed construction of a resort on the Bayocean spit should attend the hearing on Thursday, November 13, 7 PM, second floor of the Tillamook County Courthouse.  Attendance is encouraged even for those not planning to testify.

CU-14-06:  A Conditional Use request for a recreational campground, marina, cycling/equestrian staging area, gardens and research station in the Recreation Management (RM) zone, the Estuary Natural (EN) zone, the Beach and Dune Overlay (BD) zone, and the Shoreland Overlay (SH) zone.  Located on the Bayocean (Tillamook) Spit north of the Cape Meares area, adjacent to Tillamook Bay and the Pacific Ocean, the subject property is designed as Tax Lot 1400 of Section 31A, Township 1 North Range 10 West, W.M., Tillamook County Oregon.  The applicant/property owner is Bay Ocean LLC.  The format for the meeting appears below.

  • Public hearing will be opened
  • Staff report and recommendation, questions from Commissioners of staff
  • Applicant’s presentation
  • Public testimony (pro first, then con)
  • Rebuttal
  • Further comments from staff
The group of residents from Cape Meares continues to collect information that will be sent to the Planning Commission by no later than 4:00 PM on November 4.  This information will include a summary of responses to a survey that was posted recently that contains items related to the proposed resort.  So far 125 people have responded to the survey, but only 32 of those who live in Cape Meares have done so thus far.You are encouraged to respond to the survey and copy and send the link to other friends who may have an interest in the resort construction.  The deadline for completing the survey is Friday, October 31.  Link to the survey is found below.  Either click on the link or copy and paste the link into a browser.  More than one person from a household may respond to the survey.

There are other ways that your voice might be heard regarding the proposed resort development.  These include writing a letter to the Planning Commission so that it will arrive prior to November 4.  The letter should be addressed as follows:Sarah Absher, Senior Planner
Tillamook County Department of Community Development
1510-B Third Street
Tillamook, OR 97141

It is also possible for you to comment regarding the resort development to other places like the Oregonian or the Headlight-Herald.  Short and to-the-point letters are best.  Encouraging your friends to share their thoughts to these same outlets would also be appreciated.

In recent days Bayocean LLC added nearly 130 pages to their Conditional Use Permit application.  Informed citizens should review critical parts of what is now a 163 page document.  Should you have the time and the  inclination click on the link below or copy and paste it into a browser and then learn about what is being proposed for a development in the middle of the spit.

If you would like to assist the local group collect information that will be sent to the Planning Commission contact John Harland <[email protected]> and/or come to the next meeting of the group on Thursday, October 30, 3 PM, Cape Meares Community Center.Posted by Charles J. Ansorge