Mike Neal, Cape Meares resident, recently visited with the Tillamook County cartographer and has shared several maps that now provide a much better idea of the lot proposed for the eco-resort that is just south of the second gate on the spit. In the picture shown above the lot number is 1400. The lot is divided by the road which is owned by Tillamook County. The boundaries for the lot are illustrated with white lines.
The first of the maps prepared by the cartographer illustrates the platting of the lots on the Bayocean spit. Since this is a PDF document it should be possible to enlarge the map enough to view the lots and also numbers assigned to the lots. Mr. Bernards owns two properties. The one noted above (Lot 1400) and another further north on the spit and much smaller size (Lot 300).
Be advised that all of the lots that have a red line surrounding the border are privately owned. Lots without a red border are owned by Tillamook County.
The second of the maps is a Google document with the platting superimposed as a top layer. This provides a “birds-eye” view of the properties in the northern region of the Bayocean spit. This is a large document and may take a bit of time to download to your computer.