1. Every household in Cape Meares deserves a thriving community organization to support neighborly connections and our unique ambiance.
2. CMCA costs $5,000 per year, at a minimum, to cover basic operations.
3. So far we have raised $2,800.
4. Out of 221 households who either live or own property in Cape Meares, only 10% so far have donated money to this year’s budget.
5. Of the $2,800, $1,000 was donated by one non-resident household.
6. At our last Quarterly Community Meeting, only one person showed up who was not either on the board, or married to a board member.
7. Our Board has contributed over 1000 hours of volunteer time in the last six months, and has contributed significant out-of-pocket funds to support the preservation of the Spit. The Board is choosing to serve this community on the assumption that the community values having a unified voice and genuine representation in the larger community of Tillamook, of Oregon, and of the Pacific Northwest. Cape Meares is being heard, and CMCA needs to hear from you.
8. Because of a successful fundraiser at the end of 2013, there were few requests for contributions in 2014: no fees for potlucks, $0 Dues, no fund raising bake sales.
9. If you send a check today, and we reach our minimum goal of $5000, we can continue supporting and promoting the activities that make Cape Meares such an outstanding community to live in or to visit. Funds raised over and above the goal may help provide additional activities you would enjoy, such as occasional coffees, high teas, or one-off classes.
10. If you have a matching contributions program through another organization, you can make your donation twice as useful, and remember, it’s now tax deductible.
So please send CMCA a Valentine (% Anita Johanson, Treasurer, 6080 Seventh St. NW, Tillamook, OR 97141), and come to the next Quarterly Community Meeting on February 21st at 10:00 AM. There are new people to meet, and some interesting community projects on the horizon. Whether you attend events or not, CMCA provides you with a way to affect change, and a way to preserve what you love.
How was the $5,000 for our budget dispersed during 2014? Our treasurer, Anita Johanson, prepared a document for you to review. Click on the link to view this PDF of CMCA allocations.