Proposed Repair Option for Loop Road Denied by FHC

Liane Welch, Direction of Tillamook County Public Works, was recently notified by the Federal Highway Commission (FHC) that the $18.2 million option of building a by-pass around the slide area on the Loop Road had been denied. This option was the preferred solution by both Public Works and by the three Tillamook County Commissioners.

This is the same option that a majority of Cape Meares residents supported after reviewing nine alternatives that had been offered by a study committee that reported to Tillamook County Public Works.

The FHC may be willing to support another solution that involves replacing the damaged area of the road and applying a “deep patch” to the section where there is the greatest amount of sliding occurring.  This is subject to what the cost might be for the repair.

Applying a “deep patch” is not considered a solution to the problem and places the burden for future repairs back in the hands of Tillamook County Public Works.  It will be only a matter of time before additional repairs will be necessary for the road if this “band-aid” solution is chosen.

There is the potential that any funds offered by FHC for this repair will be rejected and the road will be kept closed.  No deadline has been set for when FHC and the Tillamook County Commissioners will reach an accord regarding what action will be taken.