All posts by admin

Water Conservation Measures for Cape Meares


Because our community water reservoir is compromised by a landslide our district engineer has recommended filling the tank to only 1/3 capacity.  There are plans to bring our new reservoir on line after the July 4th weekend.

Common sense limits:  Please refrain from washing cars, use a watering can rather than leaving a hose running while attending plants, one load of laundry per day, and short showers.

Thank You.

Bob Garrigues, Chair
Oceanside Water District

Art Show on July 4



Art Comes In Different Forms For Different People.July 4th, 2014 is INDEPENDENCE DAY

Bring Something To The Art Show on the 4th That We Might Like Tobuy…look at…laugh at…be inspired by…take a selfie with…get a copy of……..

It doesn’t have to be GOOD art. It doesn’t have to be Real Art.

        Any art is Fine Art on the 4th.
Get it from your garden- the Perfect Peach, a matching set of BerriesGet it from your garage-a lovely old tool….A Tire Turned Planter

Get it from your Refrigerator- Mold Supreme or Kids Art

Off The Door

This is the day to show us Beautiful Pictures of those Grandchildren!

Show Us Your Tatoo……well maybe not.

Wear your Art…Dye your Shirt…..Paint your Face…..

Bling your Bald Spot…..

Design your Dessert….Wear A Bag Like A Flag….

Sculpt Your Cream Cheese

Show Us Who You Art!


Feedback Regarding Loop Road Closure


On June 24, Tillamook County Public Works Director, Liane Welch, presented several proposed solutions regarding the closed Cape Meares Loop Road at the Tillamook County Board of Commissioners meeting.

The Board of Commissioners is requesting feedback from both individuals and from the Cape Meares Community Association regarding the various proposals that were shared.  The feedback should be provided beyond our three county commissioners. Resources are needed for the project at the federal level so senators and representatives should be contacted to let them know of our needs.

Continue reading Feedback Regarding Loop Road Closure

Public Meeting Regarding Loop Road Proposals

Tillamook County Public Works Director, Liane Welch, will be presenting several proposals regarding the Loop Road at the Tillamook County Board of Commissioners public meeting on June 24 beginning at 2 PM in the Commissioners Meeting Room B in Tillamook.  This is a meeting that should be of interest to Cape Meares residents.

Ms. Welch will also host a presentation at the Oceanside Community Center on August 2 at 10 AM.  Cape Meares residents are invited to attend this meeting to learn more about the proposed solutions to the closed Loop Road.

The Cape Meares Loop Road was closed in January 2013 after the road began to accelerate its slide to the Pacific Ocean.

Currently residents of Cape Meares are limited to only Bayocean Road as an evacuation route to Tillamook.

July 4 Festivities


An Important Message to Cape Meares Residents, Visitors,

Homeowners, Firefighters and Tuba Players………….

The 4th of July is Three Weeks Away

It’s time to get out your float!
The unsponsored Parade lines up at 10:45 at the corner of 4th and Pacific.
Where to stand?    Walkers to the south and pets in costume
 Bikers and Horses to the East
Motorized decorated vehicles to the West
Lawn Chairs  down along 4th to the North

Parade Start Time: 11:00    This Year’s Theme:     Water

Potluck Picnic at 1:00

Entertainment:   Betty and Steve Moss*  1:00 – 2:30
Art Show July 4th   1:00- 6:00 PM Indoors
Craft Show July 4th   1:00 – 6:00 PM  Garden Areas
Plant Sale  July 4th – 1:00 – 6:00 PM   Garden Areas
Poetry and Prose Reading Open Mic  –  4:00 PM
Presenters Bring Refreshments

Anyone who would like to participate in the Arts and Plant Activities listed above, please sign up by July 1st c/o  and tell us what you need so we can reserve space for you.

Any sales or monetary exchanges on site recommend a voluntary contribution to CMCA of 10% of the sale.  Pre- and Post-sales not on premises are excused from any expectation.  Participants are welcome to jump in on the 4th without notice but may have to create their own space along the street. Please show consideration for neighbors.

Anyone else who wishes to perform or present is welcome to contact Deborah Neal to make arrangements.

* Listen to Betty Moss sing, “I Got the World on a String.”